Cookies Policy

Cookies policy

ENRIQUE ZUNZUNEGUI RODRIGUEZ informs about the Cookies policy, that is, the use of cookies on its website:

A “Cookie” is a small text file that a website stores in the user’s browser, facilitating navigation through a web page and are essential for the operation of the Internet.

Cookies are used, for example, to remember users’ tastes on the web: language, browser used; analyze the user’s habits and behaviors to improve the services offered, or to adapt the contents of a web page to the visitor’s preferences.

Cookies can be classified as follows:

According to the entity that manages it.

According to its purpose:

Technical cookies: These are those necessary for the navigation and proper functioning of our website. For example, they allow you to control traffic and data communication, access restricted access parts, carry out the purchase process of an order, use security elements, store content to be able to broadcast videos or share content through social networks.
Personalization cookies: These are those that allow you to access the service with predefined characteristics based on a series of criteria, such as the language, the type of browser through which the service is accessed, the regional configuration from which it is accessed. to the service, etc.
Analysis cookies: These are those that allow us to quantify the number of users and thus carry out the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of the services provided. To do this, your navigation on our website is analyzed in order to improve the range of products and services we offer.
Advertising cookies: These are those that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces that could be included on our website.
Behavioral advertising cookies: These cookies store information on user behavior obtained through continuous observation. Thanks to them, we can know your internet browsing habits and show you advertising related to your browsing profile.

What Cookies we use and for what purposes

Our website uses the following types of cookies:

Own cookies: these are strictly necessary cookies. They allow user interaction through the website using all its functions.
Analytical Cookies: these are cookies used for analysis, research or statistics in order to know the most visited sections, connection points, etc. and thus be able to improve the web portal.
Plug-in cookies: these are cookies used by external plug-ins installed on the website for its proper functioning, such as displaying the information poster about the use of cookies.
Social network cookies: these are cookies used to identify you as a user on the social network and to be able to interact through your profile through the installed APIs.

Who are the Cookies we use?

The external entities that supply cookies are detailed below, along with the purpose and duration of each of them:

* Owner: Google Inc. Purpose: we analyze the audience and navigation of our page through the Google Analytics plugin as well as the playback of videos through the YouTube platform. These cookies may be used to show you advertising ads based on your browsing history when you visit other web portals. These cookies are persistent.

NOTE: This list will be updated as quickly as possible as the website services offered on the website change. However, occasionally during this update the list may not include a cookie, although it will always refer to cookies with identical purposes to those recorded in this list.

Ways to block and limit the use of Cookies

It is important to highlight that these technologies are not intrusive, since all the information obtained through cookies is completely anonymous, and in no case can it be associated with a specific and identified user. This information allows us to adapt and improve our services to the interests of users. However, the user has the option to prevent the generation of cookies by selecting the corresponding option in their browser program. We inform you that if you disable the use of cookies, browsing may be slower than usual.

Specifically, all browsers allow you to make changes that allow you to disable cookie settings. These settings are located in the “options” or “preferences” menu of your browser.

Below we show you through links how to disable cookies following the instructions of the most used browsers:

On the other hand, if you wish to block Google’s analytical cookies, you can install a plugin in your browser developed following the instructions indicated in the following link.

On the other hand, regarding complements from external entities (such as Google Inc services) used on our web portal, we recommend that all users access the privacy policies of each service provider to obtain more information:

More information

Any user who has any questions about these technologies can send us the query through our email.